Radio NZ
May 12 2008; 11:15

Innocent explanation possible

A DNA expert has told a High Court jury in Christchurch it is possible the male DNA found in the underwear of a 10 year old girl has an innocent explanation for being there.

Crown witness Susan Vintiner is being cross examined as the trial of 56-year-old George Gwaze (gwar-zay) enters its third week.

Mr Gwaze is accused of the murder and sexual violation of his niece, Charlene Makaza, in Christchurch last year.

But the defence says there was no sexual assault and the 10 year old died of natural causes.

This morning ESR scientist Susan Vintiner conceded DNA from Mr Gwaze found in Charlene's underwear was not necessarily the aftermath of sexual activity.

She said Charlene's body was subjected to the most advanced DNA testing possible and no other male DNA was found anywhere on her skin or inside her.