Radio NZ
May 25 2008; 17:09

Gwaze lawyer will oppose any moves to appeal

The lawyer for George Gwaze who has been acquitted of murdering his niece in Christchurch, says he would oppose any moves to appeal the decision.

Prosecutors have asked the Solicitor General to take another look at the case, after a jury last week cleared Mr Gwaze of having played any part in the death of his 10 year old niece Charlene Makaza.

Mr Gwaze's lawyer, Jonathan Eaton, says he thinks it's very unusual for prosecutors to refer an aquittal to the Crown Law office for review.

He says he's not yet been officially informed of the action.

The Crown's case was that Mr Gwaze suffocated Charlene while sexually abusing her.

The defence said she died of natural causes stemming from her HIV infection