The Southland Times
December 22 2007


As the parent of one of the boys Paul Conner is charged with assaulting, in response to Jennie South (letters, November 23) I would like to express my concerns.

I support The Southland Times reporting this matter. I believe that this needed to be highlighted in order for the community to be alerted to the types of offenders that are out there. In this case the front page was the only appropriate place for the story to be printed.

We should be able to believe that our children would be safe within the school environment. We teach our children to speak out and be aware of the dangers of people out there.

Jennie quotes "Mr Conner is innocent until proved guilty", which is correct. But we also have to believe our children. Would these views be the same if this was your child and would you tell them he is "innocent until proved guilty" .

Is it any wonder why children suppress information from us.

Mother, Invercargill

The writer cannot be named for legal reasons. -- Editor