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Tea Ropati - League Star accused of rape
Not Guilty
”a case that should never have gone to trial” - Lawyer


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January 31 2008

Rape case debate

Mark Sainsbury          There were some highly emotional scenes at the end of the Tea Ropati trial today... the former league star was acquitted on all sex charges and walked from the court hand in hand with his wife. Now his lawyer Gary Gotlieb claims the police should never have brought the charges in the first place but the head of the inquiry, detective senior sergeant Scott Beard, says it would have been irresponsible not to take the case to the jury.

Both Gotlieb and Beard are live in the Close Up studio. Gary Gotlieb; there were a lot of very angry people among Tea Ropati supporters.


Gary Gotlieb              Mmm


Mark Sainsbury          Why?


Gary Gotlieb              Well I think they felt it should never have gone to trial and I in fact twice tried twice to stop that happening. I brought applications twice to stop it going to trial.


Mark Sainsbury          Why shouldn’t it have gone to trial?


Gary Gotlieb              Well it was one of those cases which was a little unique. To some degree it relates to the law change  in 2005 which allows a person to be prosecuted if the person who has had sex cannot genuinely consent because of alcohol or something of that sort. And because of that he was charged to a large degree. Now that really came in because of date rape, sort of someone taking advantage of someone. This women plied herself with her own drinks. Gave herself her own cocaine, for six hours before he came on the scene and the evidence clearly showed most of her friends... all of her friends bar one thought she was all right because she could function quite well.


Mark Sainsbury          But the Courts decided that it would go ahead.


Gary Gotlieb              Mmm


Mark Sainsbury          You had to accept that.  Scott Beard you know they blame you. They think the police were after a celebrity scalp


Scott Beard               At Auckland we have an adult sexual assault team that specialises in investigating complaints of rape. And all cases are different, different circumstances and cases where alcohol are involved can be difficult but on the circumstances with all the investigations that were done and the evidence that we had ... the police are not the judge and jury, so we put it before the court and its up to the jury ultimately to make the decision. As Mr Gotlieb says. He applied a couple of times to the court to have the charges thrown out. That didn’t occur , and it was left to the jury to make the decision


Mark Sainsbury          The jury acquitted your client this afternoon.


Gary Gotlieb              My client would like through me to thank them again


Mark Sainsbury          Now in terms of pursuing the case. There was medical evidence there was the video evidence. Now isn’t that for the jury in the end to make up their minds and decide


Gary Gotlieb              Can I make a comment having nearly been in the law 40 years and having done my first rape trial  six months into practice. We’ve become so PC. Too scared to make a decision. The police too afraid to be ballsy and say this is a bloody nonsense. And we just go ahead with things and say the answer is “Leave it to the Court” Well we’ve gone crazy in my opinion


Mark Sainsbury          Scott Beard, have you gone crazy? Are you too afraid to say this is silly?


Scott Beard               No of course not Mark. We make decisions in a lot of different cases that are reported to us. And in this particular case we have some CCTV footage; we have the statement from Mr Ropati, We have the complainant and her statement and we have some medical evidence. Now as I say the police are not judge and jury and it’s proper for a jury and the court to determine innocence or guilt


Gary Gotlieb              Could I just say something about this statement.  The statement was first made 14 hours after the event. There wasn’t enough to prosecute him. So five weeks later another statement is obtained. She having spoken to all her friends what they could remember Having spoken to the police, and then having eleven days after the event made an ACC sensitive claims application dealt at least two sessions with her psychotherapist. Then she was able to make a statement five weeks later after the event, with this sort of recovered recall. What a bloody nonsense,.  That’s all I can say.


Mark Sainsbury          Scott Beard, do you accept that it’s a nonsense


Scott Beard               Well I think everybody has to have been in court to have seen the complainant and of course there are guidelines in the court when complainants of rape are giving evidence and that complainant came across credible. She didn’t embellish anything.  She could have said a lot more but she made her statement as to what she could recall.


Gary Gotlieb              She couldn’t remember a damn thing. She had a blackout. If you have a blackout, it’s a blackout. You can’t sort of start recovering by prompting from other things. A blackouts a blackout. And they tried to say that she’s asleep or unconscious. The experts said quite the opposite


Mark Sainsbury          It does raise an issue though and we see it more and more common all the time. Where people get into vulnerable positions, as they get trashed in bars. Is this something that has to be addressed?


Scott Beard               Look, because somebody is drunk doesn’t amount or equate to consent. And that a lot of times is what the rape is about. Was there consent or wasn’t there consent. And alcohol


Gary Gotlieb              He was drunk as well


Scott Beard               But I just want to reassure the public, You know, the New Zealand police. We take rape complaints seriously. We’ll investigate them to our fullest, whether alcohol is involved and if a woman is intoxicated they shouldn’t be preyed upon ot taken advantage of and if they do take a complaint to the police we’ll investigate it. If there is sufficient evidence to put it before the court then we’ll do that.


Gary Gotlieb              This wasn’t a young woman who went out, was plied with drinks by Mr Ropati. She plied herself. He had no knowledge of what she was drinking


Mark Sainsbury          Well does that mean you give up any rights


Gary Gotlieb              Well the short answer is he and others including the barmaid did not think she was drunk. She used her EFTPOS five times to put the PIN number in. He couldn’t even put his own pin number in.


Mark Sainsbury          In terms of the behaviour issues, Gary Gotlieb. There are some I suppose for your own client as well. He admits he’s had a drinking problem  He admits he behaved like an adiot



Gary Gotlieb              And he doesn’t retract from that at all.  Not for one moment. He feels that what he did he let his wife down very badly but the reality is that he did not do anything that was not consented to and that’s the reality of the situation


Mark Sainsbury          Do you believe that the case was pursued because of his celebrity?


Gary Gotlieb              The old saying is you might possibly say that. I couldn’t possibly comment is very true.  I think that there’s an element of that in there. Can I say this and you answer me this Scott.  Was this squad just formed a week before this happened?


Scott Beard               The Auckland City District Police had decided


Gary Gotlieb              This particular squad


Scott Beard               Had decided to form an adult sexual assault team.  We have a child abuse unit for child abuse cases


Gary Gotlieb              And a week before and you were out to prove yourself. That’s what it’s all about


Scott Beard               Not at all. This case had already been reported to the police prior to that squad being formed.


Gary Gotlieb              And you came in and go wammo, we’re going to prove ourselves,


Mark Sainsbury          I’ll just put that to you. It’s what we started with as well. The suggestion that you guys, this new squad were out to prove themselves with a celebrity scalp


Scott Beard               I go back to what I’ve said before. We had the CCTV footage. We have what she says from what she can recall and remember. What her friends said and what they recalled. The statement from Mr Ropati and then the medical evidence. And then on the basis of that a decision was made to prosecute. It never got thrown out of court. It went to a jury and a jury made the decision.


Mark Sainsbury          And as we’ve seen at the end the jury did make a decision


Gary Gotlieb              Absolutely


Mark Sainsbury          It has acquitted your client


Gary Gotlieb              And the CCTV footage. I looked at it and I was absolutely gobsmacked that they proceeded. I could not believe they had done so. And I can tell you I’ve been in the game for nearly 40 years and I can tell you I’m absolutely shocked they proceeded


Mark Sainsbury          Gary Gotlieb, Scott Beard, Thank you both very much for your time tonight