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Tea Ropati - League Star accused of rape
Not Guilty
”a case that should never have gone to trial” - Lawyer

Three News
February 5 2008; 07:32

Ropati family rule out private prosecution

Former rugby league star Tea Ropati will not be taking a private prosecution against the woman he was cleared of raping.

Ropati, 43, was found not guilty in Auckland District Court last week of six sex offences against the woman.

He was alleged to have raped and sexually violated the drunken woman he met in an Auckland bar in 2006 but Ropati denied rape and said that any sex that occurred  was consensual.

During her evidence the woman admitted she had snorted cocaine before the alleged offences were committed.

After the trial Ropati's brother, lawyer John Ropati, said the family was considering a private prosecution against the woman was for drugs charges.

However, a family statement yesterday said that would not happen.

"No such comments were made by or endorsed by Tea Ropati. Any comments made to that effect by other members of the family were in the heat of the moment and as a result of the enormous stress that the family has been under," the statement said.