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Page 5 - Further reaction to verdict 

Tea Ropati - League Star accused of rape
Not Guilty
”a case that should never have gone to trial” - Lawyer

The Press
February 7 2008

Ropati no hero
Letter to the Editor
by Ardas Trebus
Manager, Women's Centre Central Christchurch

The Tea Ropati case brings up many issues, such as the vulnerable position that people put themselves in when they drink in such excess that they don't know what they are doing, the messages that are given with flirting, how to keep oneself as safe as possible, etc.

We thank the woman who accused Ropati of sexual violation and rape for encouraging women to come forward after such experiences, even though Ropati was found not guilty. And we thank the police for what the woman describes as their exemplary approach and support.

Found guilty or not, Ropati's behaviour has nothing star about it: he drank to excess, drank and drove, cheated on his wife, had a sexual connection with a woman who was very intoxicated, was part of the uproar and tasteless jokes outside the court, and all he shows is self-pity without any acknowledgement of his part in the situation.

We can only hope that no-one sees him as an example to follow.