Allegations of abuse by NZ Police

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Judith Garrett accusation against Tim Ogle


This page last updated Feb 10 2007

Historical rape claim. The rape claim was sufficient that the Prime Minister said it caused her hair "to stand on end".  The allegations were the "final straw" for the Prime Minister, who referred them to a commission of inquiry on police conduct. The commission followed publicity surrounding allegations against other police officers by Louise Nicholas.

Unfortunately, there is no correlation between how awful a story is and it's veracity. It is quite possible for fiction writers to make stories up that would cause readers to feel their "hair stands on end" if they are willing, or want to believe the fiction.

The rape trial "should never have happened", according to Ogle's defence lawyer. The case appears to have only gone ahead because of the Prime Minister's involvement and the fact that it was referred to the commission of inquiry on police conduct.   
Timothy Ogle was vindicated at trial in November 2006

Page 1 -   2004/2005 - Pretrial

      Page 2 -   2006 - Trial and Vindication

Tim Ogle with his wife, following vindication;                  Defence lawyer, Gary Gotlieb