Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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News Reports - 2


NZ First Party
March 3 2005

Witch Hunt for Police Whistleblower
Press Release by Ron Mark

New Zealand First law and order spokesperson Ron Mark has accused the Counties Manukau District Police Commander of launching a vindictive witch hunt on a whistleblower.

Mr Mark’s comments are based on a special notice issued by the commander in a district newsletter this month which calls on other police officers to “expose” the “traitor” in their ranks.

“It seems that some Police bosses are intent on carrying out the Government’s police public relations campaign, while other police staff carry out their duties fighting crime at the frontline.”

Mr Mark also criticised the intemperate language used by the commander who described the whistleblower as a traitor and suggested that the person was either stupid or bribed.

“What gives the commander the right to bully and abuse someone for alerting the public to something they did not think was right?” said Mr Mark.