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News Reports - 2


One News
March 3 2005

More senior officers to be investigated

More senior police officers are to be investigated after a judge labelled some practices within the South Auckland force disturbing.


The comments came as a senior sergeant was found guilty of assaulting a 17-year-old.

It is an insight into a culture within South Auckland police that Judge Bruce Davidson slammed as sick.

But police officers deny it's widespread.

"Absolutely not indicative of behaviour of the rest of police, um there is no evidence .. there is simply not that sort of systemic behaviour in the rest of the police," says Greg O'Conner of the New Zealand Police Association.

Senior Sergeant Anthony Solomona was found guilty of assaulting a teenager by unnecessarily handcuffing him, and hitting his head against the lights of his police car.


Counties Manukau Police District Commander, Superintendent Steve Shortland says he is disappointed.

"We're appalled that this sort of practice has been going on," he says.

Another photo submitted as evidence which showed a second teenager with a sign around his neck. Written on the sign were the words 'I belong to Senior Sergeant Solomona'.

Police say the picture has since been mislaid.


But the father of that youth, whose identity is suppressed, says he was sickened.

He says he is very upset about the way the police handled his son.

Other officers who gave evidence supporting Solomona suggested that such practices were commonplace across the country. 

That is being strongly denied.

"This was a practice that was confined to a very small number of people. All those we identify as being involved we will be taking further," says Shortland.

Community Leader Edwin Puni says he has not heard of such behaviour but successful policing in South Auckland can require a different approach.

"Some of the tactics might be out of the ordinary but it does help. Like a clip behind the ears and giving them a good scolding might make more difference than just locking them up," says Puni.

But now the whole South Auckland force has been brought into question.

"Some of the best police in New Zealand are Sergeants and Senior Sergeants in South Auckland and they would absolutely never countenance this sort of behaviour," says O'Connor

Solomona has been suspended - his lawyers will next week argue in court for him to be discharged without conviction.