Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Abuse by Police - Main Index

News Reports - 5


Newstalk ZB
March 14 2005

Submissions called for on police culture

The inquiry into the culture of south Auckland police has set up a freephone and an e-mail address to help people make submissions.

The move is designed to give people a chance to come forward and tell their stories.

The inquiry, set up by Commission Rob Robinson and to be overseen by former high court judge Sir David Tomkins, will look at recent allegations regarding staff attitudes and treatment of offenders.

Dubbed Operation Reason, the freephone number is 0800 COUNTIES (0800 268 684).

The e-mail address is [email protected].

Written correspondence should be sent to:
Operation Reason
New Zealand Police
PO Box 331 046

The Commissioner has set no deadline on the inquiry but it is asked that submissions are made by March 28 2005.