Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Abuse by Police - Main Index

News Reports - 5


March 22 2005

GPJA UPDATE: Review of Events
Global Peace and Justice Auckland - Press Release
by Geraldene Peters

Dear Friends,

You'll be aware of the series of events over the last few days, stemming from police provocation of activists at Saturday's anti-war demonstration.

This email is to update you on further GPJA developments in support of the right to hold public demonstrations.

1. We've decided to hold no further demonstrations outside the Auckland District Court this week. (Which doesn't of course preclude people from supporting Peace Activists at their hearings on Tuesday and Wednesday).

2. There will be a meeting at 5 pm Tuesday at the Auckland Trades Hall, 147 Great North Road to Review the events on Saturday, and to discuss Future Directions.

3. One suggestion mooted is in three weeks time, GPJA hold a mass rally and march up Queen Street, re-asserting a democratic right to peaceful, public protest.

4. A follow-up letter of complaint about police harassment of Peace Activists holding newspapers will sent to the Police Complaints Authority tonight.

We look forward to your support and involvement.

Geraldene Peters (for, the GPJA Committee)