Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Psychiatric Hospitals Index

Jan-June 2004 Index


NZ Government
May 31 2004

Post Cabinet Press Conference
Rt. Hon Helen Clark

Media: Is the government considering any sort of inquiry into the allegations of abuse at Porirua?

PM: That has been referred to Crown Law and the Attorney-General. We’re investigating 62 claims, which have been filed, and I understand Margaret Wilson will have a statement out later today. What she will say is that until the Crown has completed that investigation, it can’t make any decision on whether or not an inquiry would be appropriate.

Media: Will any sort of decision be based in any way on the Lake Alice settlement?

PM: I think that would be jumping well ahead. At the moment, the Government is in the business of investigating 62 claims, so we’re really not in a position to say whether there’s any comparison.

Media: Given the number of claims, which is substantial, are you concerned that this be appropriately dealt with? Is there a level of concern in Government about the fact that that number of claims is being fought?

PM: Oh, look, there’s always a concern when you get a number of claims like that, and all you can do is say “Please investigate and see whether matters need to be taken further”.

Media: There are previous precedents where issues such as arbitration have been looked at, for example. Were there found to be substance of the claims, is that one possible route that would be considered?

PM: Again, I think that is jumping well ahead. In the case of Lake Alice, there was a procedure entered into that didn’t see people having to be dragged through the courts because there clearly was a substantial element of abuse involved. But, as I say, there are 62 claims and they don’t only affect Porirua, is my understanding. So it’s more complex than claims affecting one institution at one place.