Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Psychiatric Hospitals Index

Jan-June 2004 Index


Newstalk ZB
Saturday June 12 2004

200-plus abuse claims from ex-psych patients

Lawyers are expecting a landslide of abuse claims from former psychiatric patients.

More than 200 claims, alleging physical abuse in state-run institutions, are believed to be in the pipeline.

Police have reopened the 36-year-old case of Clement Matthews, who was ruled to have died of pneumonia at Kingseat psychiatric hospital, south of Auckland.

Former patient Stephen Lindsay claims he saw the 11-year-old being attacked by a nurse hours before he died.

A lawyer representing people who were patients in the 1960s and 1970s, Roger Chapman, says abuses appear to have been widespread in the mental health system of the time.

He believes the Government should order an inquiry.

However, Roger Chapman says is not the driving force for the former patients.

He says that while the amount of compensation they want varies, most want at least an apology and an acknowledgement that the authorities were at fault.