Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Psychiatric Hospitals Index

Jan-June 2004 Index


Newstalk ZB
June 20 2004

Abuse inquiries flow in

There has been a steady stream of inquiries from former employees and patients over abuse allegations at psychiatric hospitals.

Almost 200 official complaints have been made by people who allege they were physically and sexually abused in state mental health hospitals in the 1960s and 1970s.

Wellington lawyer Roger Chapman says recent publicity about the litigation has encouraged more people to come forward.

He says it seems like an indication that abuse happened quite a bit in New Zealand's psychiatric hospitals in the past.

However Mr Chapman says it is likely the majority of patients in psychiatric care were treated well by the standards of the day.

Lawyers are poring over the claims and inquiries.

The abuse allegations include electric shock therapy, solitary confinement and the misuse of medication to keep people quiet.

Mr Chapman says the allegations vary from hospital to hospital.