Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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2006 Index


Manawatu Standard
May 26 2006

Former patient not interested
by Anna Wallis

"Well, I won't be buying it," says former patient Stephen McMahon * of Palmerston North, speaking about the Lake Alice mental health facility.

But he doesn't want the village complex, listed for sale last week, turned into a backpackers' lodge or other accommodation.

"Really, it should be bulldozed. I wouldn't want anything like a lodge built there. Maybe it should be made into a place that could really help children in need, rather than what it was."

Mr McMahon * was at Lake Alice from age 13 to 16. He says he was raped and tortured at the hospital, and injected with the painful drug paraldehyde and given electroconvulsive shock treatment without anaesthetic.

The 47 year old was one of a group of patients who received a public apology and a share of the $10.7 million compensation paid by the Government.

The Government put the 56ha Lake Alice complex on the market this month and will be running open days before the sale on June 28.

Mr McMahon * said he was not interested in returning for one of the open days, though he did go back with Manawatu Standard reporter Lee Matthews two years ago.

At the time, he said he had to return, and noted, "I'll never understand why they did this to us."

Lake Alice caretaker Barney Conlon said few former patients had returned.


*  Name changed on request