Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Psychiatric Hospitals: Home

2006 Index


One News
June 6 2006

Lake Alice site for sale

Former Mental Health Unit Lake Alice has been put up for sale by the Whanganui District Health Board.

The Crown Health Financing Agency is selling the site, near Marton in the Rangitikei district, including the buildings and the lake, on behalf of the of DHB.

It has a rateable value of nearly $1.4 million. The real estate agent handling the sale says there has been a lot of interest in the 56 hectare site.

The former psychiatric hospital has a checkered history, after allegations by former patients that they were abused by a psychiatrist in the 1970s.

The government has paid $6.5 million damages to people who were sexually abused and punished with electric shock treatment and painful injections in the unit in the former Lake Alice Adolescent Unit in the 1970s.