Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

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2006 Index


Radio New Zealand
June 7 2006; 14:39

Police review file on former Lake Alice doctor

The police are reviewing their file on a former head doctor at Lake Alice psychiatric hospital near Wanganui, following a fresh complaint of abuse.

Last year the police closed their investigation into Dr Selwyn Leeks over complaints of abuse by former patients at the child and adolescent unit he headed between 1972 and 1977. The adolescent unit closed in 1978.

The police said there was not enough evidence of criminal offending to extradite him from Australia, where he is now working.

A spokesperson for the police commissioner's office says they have received a new complaint, and are looking into it to see if any further inquiry is warranted.

In 2001, the government paid a group of former Lake Alice patients more than $10 million compensation for mistreatment at the hospital.