Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

Index 2005

NZ Herald
April 19 2005

Sallies challenged over abuse claim figures

Former residents of Salvation Army children’s homes at the centre of historic abuse claims say the church has not settled the majority of claims and some are considering taking civil action.

Salvation Army spokesman Major Alistair Herring has said most claims made by former residents of the homes had been settled.

He made the comment in reference to a $21,125 payout the Salvation Army had offered double murderer Gresham Marsh, who is serving a life sentence for murdering elderly Waikato couple John and Josie Harrisson in 1994.

One woman, who did not want to be named, told the Herald she represented 30 former residents whose claims were still being dealt with by lawyers.

Mr Herring said yesterday that 33 out of 36 claims the Salvation Army was aware of had been settled. The remaining three had been investigated and were still being processed.

He refused to say how much the Salvation Army had paid out in compensation to claimants.

"It may well be that there are people who are intending to make a claim at some stage in the future but have not yet ... we have not received any new claims for some time.