Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

Index 2006

The Timaru Herald
October 17 2006

Complainant tells court of attacks

The first of the eight complainants began her evidence yesterday, telling the court how Gainsford disappeared from the home after she told another girl what he had been doing to her.

She told the court how he would check her for appendicitis -- checking her stomach and then her genital area and digitally penetrating her. He would stop when she complained it hurt. It wasn't until years later that she found out her appendix was not near her genitals.

There were times when Gainsford was on duty at night, that she felt unwell. He would take her to a room and get into bed with her. Twice he raped her although at the time she did not even know what rape was.

She spoke to other girls at the home about the things Gainsford did to her. One said it was wrong and told a staff member

The staff member told the girls not to make up such stories, but at the same time Gainsford disappeared and she never saw him at the home again.

Asked why initially she had told police of the indecencies but not the rape allegations, the woman said it had taken her a long time to come to terms with the fact that Gainsford had raped her.

The trial before Justice Fogarty and a jury of three men and nine women, continues today.