Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

Index 2006

The Timaru Herald
October 17 2006

Former Temuka man on trial for 23 sex charges  
by Rhonda Markby

A litany of sex charges is what a former Salvation Army captain has been brought back to Timaru to face.

A former Salvation Army officer pleaded not guilty to 23 indecency and rape charges in the High Court at Timaru yesterday.

But at the start of his trial, John Francis Gainsford, 69, of Auckland, pleaded guilty to a further four charges (three of indecent assault on a girl aged under 12, and inducing a girl then aged under 12 to do an indecent act on him) when he appeared before Justice Fogarty and a jury of three men and nine women.

The trial, which relates to alleged offending at the Bramwell Booth Childrens Home near Temuka, in the 1970s, is expected to last at least two weeks.

Gainsford, who was a captain in the church at the time, managed the home from January 1973 to January 1975.

He has pleaded not guilty to three charges of rape, one of attempted rape, 10 of indecently assaulting girls under 12, three charges of doing an indecent act on a girl under 12, inducing a girl under 12 to do an indecent act (two charges), indecent assault on a girl aged 12-16 (two charges) and two charges of indecently assaulting a boy under 16.

The eight complainants, seven women and one male, were all living at the home while Gainsford was its manager.

Crown counsel Tim Gresson said the majority of the charges were representative, indicating repetitive patterns of behaviour by Gainsford.

It was alleged Gainsford digitally penetrated the girls on occasions including when he gave them piggybacks, when they took baths, and while reading to them in bed.

One woman has alleged she was raped by Gainsford on two separate occasions when he was on duty at night.

Around Christmas 1974 Gainsford admitted to his wife that he had been involved in inappropriate behaviour with the children but denied any penetration.

When spoken to by police he could recall some of the complainants but would not comment on the allegations.

The trial is expected to last at least two weeks.



ACCUSED: Former Salvation Army officer John Francis Gainsford, in the High Court at Timaru yesterday. Photo: Jess Parker