Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

Index 2006

The Timaru Herald
October 18 2006

Gainsford case adjourned for a day
by Rhonda Markby

The trial of a former Salvation Army officer on a variety of historical sexual abuse charges was adjourned for a day yesterday for what was being described as procedural matters.

John Francis Gainsford, 69, of Auckland, is standing trial in the High Court at Timaru on 23 charges relating to his alleged abuse of eight children, seven girls and a boy, while he was the manager of the church's Bramwell Booth children's' home at Temuka in the 1970s.

The trial began before Justice Fogarty and a jury of three men and nine women on Monday, and was due to resume at 11am yesterday.

When media arrived at the court yesterday, they were told the case had been adjourned for a further three hours for what was described as procedural matters.

The trial was then expected to get under way at 2.15pm, but was delayed again, with court staff stating it had been adjourned until 11am this morning.

At the start of the trial Gainsford pleaded guilty to three charges of indecent assault on a girl aged under 12, and inducing a girl then aged under 12 to do an indecent act on him.

He has pleaded not guilty to three charges of rape, one of attempted rape, 10 of indecently assaulting girls under 12, three charges of doing an indecent act on a girl under 12, inducing a girl under 12 to do an indecent act (two charges), indecent assault on a girl aged 12-16 (two charges) and two charges of indecently assaulting a boy under 16.

The charges were all alleged to have taken place between January 1973 and January 1975. Most of the charges were alleged to have occurred at the home or nearby, although one of complainants alleged she was indecently assaulted by Gainsford at the Pleasant Point swimming pool.

The trial is set down to last at least two weeks.

Opening the crown case on Monday, Tim Gresson told the court he planned to call all eight complainants. Also on his witness list was Gainsford's former wife.

The couple separated in the mid 1980s.

The only witness to have completed her evidence so far is officer in charge of the case Detective Tracey Miron.

The first female complainant was giving evidence when the court rose on Monday.