Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

Index 2006

The Timaru Herald
October 19 2006

Complainants tell court of sexual abuse
by Claire Haren

Former Salvation Army captain John Gainsford asked an 11-year-old boy to pray with him, and then, with one hand on the back of his head, made the boy perform oral sex, the High Court at Timaru heard yesterday.

The complainant said he then vomited over the carpet, Gainsford's trousers and shoes, and Gainsford became angry, saying "look at the bloody mess you've made", and insisted the boy clean it up.

Gainsford then said the boy wasn't to tell anyone, otherwise he'd do the same to the boy's sister and see to it they were adopted out.

Gainsford, 69, of Auckland, is appearing before Justice Fogarty and a jury of nine women and three men on 23 indecency and rape charges.

He has pleaded guilty to three charges of indecent assault on a girl aged under 12, and a charge of inducing a girl then aged under 12 to do an indecent act on him.

The trial relates to alleged offending at Temuka's Bramwell Booth Home in the early 1970s when Gainsford was manager.

The court yesterday heard from four complainants.

The male complainant also gave evidence of Gainsford fondling him when he was in the bath, ostensibly to check he had washed himself properly.

He also remembered walking past Gainsford's office and seeing him with a small girl – aged four or five – on his knee. Her panties were around her ankles, and Gainsford was rubbing his hand on her genitals.

In cross-examination, the witness was told Gainsford would say that at no stage did he suggest he get down and pray, and then sexually violate him.

"He knows different. He forgets I was there as well."

A female complainant spoke of piggyback rides and other incidents during which Gainsford committed indecencies.

She also gave evidence of Gainsford coming into the "big girls' dormitory at night" and getting into bed with some of the girls.

She remembered hearing a girl crying one night, and about to get up to see what was wrong, she noticed Gainsford was in the bed as well, so she immediately lay down and pretended to be asleep.

"Because I didn't want Mr Gainsford coming to me next."

The witness also spoke of playing outside Gainsford's home and being called into the house. She found Gainsford sitting on the toilet, and he asked her to touch his penis. She refused, and left the house.

Another witness told the court of waking up and finding Gainsford in bed with her. He left when she woke.

She said Gainsford cuddled the children a lot, but would run his hands under their clothing.

"I just remember the hands – it kind of makes you crawl."

Under cross-examination, another witness agreed that the first time she had spoken about being raped by Gainsford was in conversation with a Salvation Army representative earlier this year.

She said she had not previously spoken about being raped because she felt ashamed and dirty for allowing Gainsford to do that to her.

When told Gainsford would say that the allegations she had made of rape, and indecent assault were not true, the witness said she'd expect him to say that.

"He can say whatever he wants to, but at the end of the day, I know what he did."