Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

Index 2006

The Timaru Herald
October 26 2006

Defendant firm on denials
by Rhonda Markby

A former Salvation Army officer holds fast to denials of sex acts alleged at Bramwell Booth Children's Home. The former Salvation Army officer accused of sex charges against children at the Temuka home 30 years ago denied the allegations when he gave evidence in the High Court at Timaru yesterday.

On the seventh day of his trial John Francis Gainsford, 69, retired, of Auckland, continued to strongly deny all but four of the 27 charges involving eight complainants.

He also denied many of the incidents the court has heard about in recent days had even occurred.

Gainsford's counsel Paul Dacre told the jury the accused had behaved badly towards some of the children and he acknowledged that with the four guilty pleas (to three charges of indecent assault on a girl aged under 12 and a charge of inducing a girl then aged 12 to do an indecent act on him).

Gainsford admitted indecently touching the girls while giving them piggybacks.

In another incident he could not recall removing the girl's underwear in the drying room and indecently assaulting her but accepted it had occurred and had pleaded guilty to that charge.

While he had pleaded guilty to inducing a girl to do an indecent act on him, Gainsford said the complainant (who was aged under 12) had climbed on to his lap and rubbed herself against him, arousing him. He had not dissuaded her from doing so. On another occasion he said the girl rubbed against him when he was in bed, with the same outcome.

Gainsford's responses to the remaining 23 indecency and rape charges were all similar, stating simply "no" when asked if he could recall the incident, or stating "it did not" (happen).

He denied indecently assaulting girls when they were in the bath, adding a female staff member was usually there at bath time.

He could not recall an incident in which one of the girls claimed she had woken to find her nightwear rearranged, and he was in the room. She told the court she had locked herself in the toilet after the incident.

When questioned by a senior Salvation Army officer about abuse complaints in late 1974, Gainsford denied any penetration had taken place.

He denied the three rape and one attempted rape charges when Mr Dacre read them to him yesterday.

Witnesses had said he would go into their rooms wearing a night shirt, and would raise his arms to reveal his genitals, but Gainsford said that was not possible.

He still had the night shirt, and when he carried out an "experiment" lifting his arms, his penis was not visible.

Asked by Tim Gresson (for the Crown) whether all the complainants and witnesses were either mistaken or had given false evidence, Gainsford said he could only assume they were mistaken, but he did not believe they had deliberately lied.

Gainsford denied the sexual abuse had been much more extensive and that he was simply in denial.

"I am quite positive it is not. It is firmly imprinted on my mind. I had to answer to the Salvation Army and the Department of Social Welfare."

To Mr Gresson's suggestion that Gainsford had a problem with self control when it came to children, Gainsford replied he had never had a problem with little boys, but for a brief period did have a problem with four little girls (of whom three were complainants in the trial). "I felt devastated when I read about it (read their statements), ashamed about it.''

Gainsford suggested the complainants' memories may have hung on to things they imagined at the time and were now remembering as reality. The final crown witness yesterday said that as a teenager he ran into the staff lounge one night to find Gainsford sitting in the dark with his trousers down, and his hand between the legs of a young girl who was sitting with her legs spread across him. The girl was one of the complainants in the trial.

"We knew we had seen something we should not have seen,'' he said, adding they quickly left the room. He said they must have told other residents because a couple of days later the assistant manager wanted to know exactly what he had seen, adding he would take care of the matter.

The witness said the incident happened in either March or April, at least nine months before Gainsford left the home.

Told by Gainsford's counsel Paul Dacre that Gainsford could not recall the incident, the witness replied it had happened, it was a matter of fact, and both boys had seen it. Later, under cross examination, Gainsford admitted while he did not recall the incident, he accepted the man's evidence was "factually based''. The trial before Justice Fogarty and a jury of three men and nine women continues this morning.