Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Salvation Army Homes - Main Index

Index 2006

Radio New Zealand
October 28 2006; 19:12

Victim says conviction on 22 sex charges better than expected

A victim of a former Salvation Army captain says his conviction on 22 out of 23 historical child sex charges, is better than she expected.

A High Court jury last night found 69-year-old John Francis Gainsford guilty of three charges of rape, one of attempted rape and 18 indecencies against six girls and a boy.

The convictions relate to his time as manager of a children's home in the 1970s.

One of the victims involved in this case, who can't be identified, says she was accused of lying and making up the abuse by the Salvation Army, which failed in its duty of care for her.

She says she and other victims will take action against the Salvation Army for not acting on the abuse.