Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(1) Oct 3-5 2004 Index


Manawatu Standard
June 29 2004

Prisoner abuse
Letter to the Editor
by GD Charles, Feilding

One is becoming rather tired of prisoner of war abuse in Iraq. Thirty years ago, when I was in Regular Force, New Zealand Army, at Waiouru, we had an OCTU (Officer Cadet Training Unit) where young men aged 19 or 20 were assessed and evaluated for their potential.

One of the assessments was an "escape and evasion" exercise. One cadet was caught by the DS (Directing Staff) who urinated on him to demean and humiliate him. At this, he lost his "cool". The staff's comment later was to explain that if he couldn't "hack" that, how did he think he could handle what a real enemy might do to him?

How true. No names, no pack drill.