Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(1) Oct 3-5 2004 Index


October 3 2004

Victims Of Army Cadet School Violence Sought
by Ian Fraser

A former cadet at the New Zealand Army Waiouru Cadet School is working to raise awareness of what he says was widespread physical, psychological and sexual abuse of cadets as young as 15 at the school in the 1960s, 70s and 80s. He hopes to get Government to support for Army staff who have had problems in later life as a result of their negative experiences.

After contacting numerous former Army colleagues, Ian Fraser, a former Army communications officer, has published an on-line investigative report - [SEE Investigation: Inside The Waiouru RF Cadet School] - about violence and abuse at the Cadet School. He says the Army was aware of the problem but that it had been swept under the carpet for years.

Mr Fraser, who now lives in Perth, is inviting more former cadets to contact him with their stories and to join him in seeking Government assistance. He says he hopes that his report will be circulated widely through Army networks via the Internet so that former cadets who are having problems can contact him.

He said his goal is to gain recognition of the problem and maybe compensation from the Government for former cadets suffering ongoing problems. However he said he did not want a witchhunt or accusations against those responsible, actively or through neglect, for the abuse. The idea is purely to help people in need.

He said it has long been recognised that soldiers can have problems as a result of traumatic military experiences. But it is harder for Army authorities to accept that trauma and other psychological damage can result from the Army's own culture of violence.

* Former cadets can contact Mr Fraser at [email protected].


Former Army communications officer Ian Fraser is seeking Army staff who experienced severe violence or abuse while attending the Army's Waiouru Cadet School. With other ex-soldiers, he is intending to ask the Government for support for former cadets who are being affected later in life by abuse suffered at the school. Here is a preliminary report on the issue. Interested former soldiers should contact Ian Fraser at [email protected].