Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(2) Oct 6 2004 Index


NZ Herald
October 6 2004

'Beatings happened every day ... '

Te Awamutu man Mike Subritzky, a former recruiter for the cadet school, said he had raised concerns with the Army about abuses after he discovered injuries suffered by his nephew, John Subritzky, a cadet in 1982.

"His back was covered in scars. After a lot of [questioning] I learned that beatings were a routine part of life at the cadet school."

Mr Subritzky said he told the commanding officer, Major Wayne Anker, and an investigation was launched. Four cadets were disciplined.

John Subritzky, now of Katikati, said he had been warned of what was to come when he encountered some cadets in a school rugby match a year before he joined up.

"They said they'd be waiting for me when I got there in the junior class of 1982. I was in for a shock when I arrived. Beatings happened every day for the first three months."

Mr Subritzky said beatings were common but more sinister punishments were also meted out.

"I personally witnessed a roommate in the upright push-up position burned with a steam iron. Another method was to line up all the junior cadets in the corridor. We'd be made to stand on one foot and then punched. Anyone who fell over received a kicking."

John Subritzky said one day he retaliated.

"A cadet corporal came in to beat me. I smacked him with a padlock in my hand. He went away and came back with four mates to deal to me."

But his roommates helped beat the attackers.