Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(2) Oct 6 2004 Index


Newstalk ZB
October 6 2004

Former MP backs inquiry into alleged Army abuse

A former MP who reviewed a case of alleged abuse at the Army's Waiouru Cadet School is backing calls for an inquiry.

Marilyn Waring, former Raglan and Waipa MP, was involved in the review into the death of Grant Bain at the school. The teenager was shot in the neck at the school in 1981 and his family has always claimed the investigation into his death was mishandled.

Ms Waring says when she was conducting her review, she came up against a brick wall with the police inquiry and the Ministry of Defence.

She says there needs to be an honest and transparent inquiry into all allegations of abuse.

Meanwhile, the former army officer who has lifted the lid on the abuse claims believes at least 10 percent of men who went through the school are victims of abuse that occurred from the 1960s to the 1980s.

Ian Fraser, who came forward with the allegations, says a number of former students at the school are making some disturbing claims.

He is trying to quantify the level of abuse and at this stage estimates about 10 percent of those who went through the school were picked on.

In Australia, six soldiers are facing the sack from the Australian Army amid allegations of misconduct.

The soldiers, including a female officer, have been suspended on full pay.

The Army is investigating complaints of sexual misconduct and abuse of the chain-of-command.