Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(3) Oct 7 2004 Index


The Dominion Post
October 7 2004

Claimants' motives questioned

Officers in charge of Waiouru's army cadet school in the 1970s and 1980s are surprised at allegations of sexual abuse and bullying and are questioning the motivation of the accusers.

Wayne Anker, commanding officer at the Regular Force Cadet School in Waiouru in 1982 when cadet Grant Bain was fatally shot by another cadet, said bullying at the school was no worse than at boarding schools.

The circumstances of Mr Bain's death are to be examined, along with allegations of sexual abuse and daily assaults at the cadet school.

The court of inquiry into Mr Bain's death at the time was extensive. Mr Anker questioned the motives of people now complaining about abuse.

"I have been surprised by a lot of the allegations. Some people appear to be trying to capitalise on the highly publicised prison inmate payouts," he said.

The commanding officer of the cadet school in 1975, retired brigadier John Dennistoun-Wood, 58, also questioned the motives of those coming forward. He was surprised and disgusted to hear the allegations aired in the media.

All cadets knew that bullying, or "unofficial justice", was wrong and was an offence under military law, he said. "Two or three" cadets had been disciplined for bullying behaviour during his command.

"I have no doubt that bullying went on, but this is the sort of thing that goes on at boarding schools. Sometimes it's called initiation, other times it's just that somebody doesn't like somebody else . . . and they take the law into their own hands."

If other cases of gross abuse had happened, they had not been brought to the attention of commanding officers.

Former major Neville Kidd, commanding officer in 1978, said he might not have heard of any abuse because of military hierarchy. Under him were orderly officers, orderly sergeants and orderly NCOs. "In the evenings, they were the ones responsible but nothing was ever reported to me. If I had known, I would have taken immediate action."


CAPTION: John Dennistoun-Wood in the 1980s