Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(3) Oct 7 2004 Index


Newstalk ZB
October 7 2004

Different memories of Cadet School

There are claims and counter claims over what went on at the Waiouru Army Cadet School.

Descriptions range from good old fashioned discipline to straight out abuse.

Two men who attended while former All Black Stan "Tiny" Hill was in charge, have very different memories of camp life.

Trevor Gilbert, who also went on to train cadets, says Sergeant Major Hill was a fair man. He stands by Mr Hill's statement that he was not aware of any serious abuse at Waiouru.

But another cadet in the mid-1960s who wishes to be identified only as Dave, disagrees. He says Tiny Hill must have been deaf and blind not to have known what was going on and says a culture of silence ensured nothing was done by supervising army staff to stop the abuse.

He claims the abuse was carried out by senior cadets who organised a group called 'the syndicate' and were involved in activities such as scrubbing testicles with a hard brush and beating up others.