Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(5) Oct 10-16 2004 Index


The Dominion Post
October 14 2004

Former army major doubts sodomy claims
by Hank Schouten

A former army sergeant major who spent a total of five years at the Regular Force Cadet School has dismissed a claim by a former cadet that he was repeatedly raped at the school 40 years ago.

"I just don't believe the claim by a former cadet that he was sodomised by a group of cadets is credible," said retired sergeant major Bob Davies of Lower Hutt, who was a cadet at Waiouru in 1964-65 and later served as a junior non-commissioned officer with the school from 1969-72.

In an e-mail forwarded to Defence Minister Mark Burton last week the former cadet, who asked not to be named, said: "I was raped by five NCOs, one of them very senior -- this occurred six times in 14 months."

He also reported:

* Being stripped naked and having his head forced back at the point of a bayonet while his genitals were "interfered with".

* Being made to stand naked in the snow with a loaded rifle pointed at him for an hour while outside the female barracks.

* Being made to stand naked with a loaded rifle in his mouth while again having his genitals interfered with.

* Being stripped naked by nine cadets and held down on a concrete floor before being scrubbed with a yard broom.

* Having a broom handle used on his rear end so often he lost count.

The cadet, who was at the school for 15 months from the start of 1962 said he had also seen other cadets being raped and "broom-handled".

He said he was warned that if he complained "we would not live to witness at any court martial".

The Police Complaints Authority is to investigate the police investigation of the 1981 fatal shooting of 17-year-old cadet Grant Bain at the cadet school. The man who shot Mr Bain, Corporal Andrew Read, was convicted of careless use of a firearm. He has since died. Mr Davies said he was aware that cadets were abused -- "hazing" was an intrinsic part of the cadet school and other similar institutions of the day -- in New Zealand and overseas.

"But sodomisation of a cadet by a group of NCOs is just not credible. This is because of the cadets' abhorrence of things homosexual and anybody considered to have such predilections would not have been tolerated. If it is established that six cadets sodomised another I will not only eat my beret and lemon squeezer, but my tin hat as well."

Mr Davies said he was most concerned that unfounded allegations against some people would nevertheless damage reputations of some fine people.

"However, this is not to say that there were not isolated incidents involving staff members. But in every case, once discovered, the full force of military law was imposed," Mr Davies said.