Allegations of Abuse in Institutions

Waiouru (NZ Army) - Index

(8)  2005 Index


The Dominion Post
March 1 2005

Extra abuse inquiry time
by Hank Schouten

The deadline for the report into abuse claims at the former army cadet school in Waiouru has been extended.

Former High Court Judge David Morris, who was appointed last November to inquire into the behaviour and treatment of cadets at the school between 1948 and 1991, was to have completed his report by the end of this month.

"He's taking a bit longer than initially thought," a spokeswoman for Defence Minister Mark Burton said.

Judge Morris is understood to be in Australia interviewing former cadets.

Former army sergeant Ian Fraser, who sparked the controversy by writing about abuse at the school, said Justice Morris met him in Perth last week.

"By the sounds of things, there seems to be a reasonable strong body of evidence that the claims made in my article are being substantiated."