The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Child Youth And Family
March 13 2001

Child, Youth And Family Interviewers Vindicated
Eichelbaum report vindicates Child, Youth and Family Interviewers
Media Release, by Shannon Pakura

The professionalism of Child, Youth and Family’s evidential interviewers in the Christchurch civic creche case has been strongly upheld by the Eichelbaum report, says chief social worker Shannon Pakura.

“One of Child, Youth and Family’s key roles in the case was to interview the children about what had happened to them. Police then studied the evidence gathered before making a decision whether to prosecute.

“Child, Youth and Family interviewers, then and now, are always very aware of the need to gather evidence carefully so that the process is not unfair to an alleged offender.

“The Eichelbaum report shows two eminent international experts were clear that our interviewers in the civic creche case did their jobs to a high standard. It is a tribute to their professionalism and the compassion they bring to their jobs.”

Ms Pakura hopes the report will help shift the focus of attention away from Peter Ellis and on to the children involved in the case.

“We shouldn’t forget that they are the victims, not Ellis. This report vindicates them too. I hope it will help them deal with any ongoing effects of the abuse they suffered.”