The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Transcripts of Interviews with child witnesses

Kari Lacebark aged 6,
4th interview recorded 27 Mar 1992

(Names as used in the book "A City Possessed" )

Q          Okay, right,. Now today what I’d like us to do is to play with the wee toys down here and, um, I know that you’ve been, um, to some places with Peter. Where are all the places that you’ve been with him?

A          Been to the beach, He showed us a big fish and he, and it had a little thing on its back.

Q          Did it?

A          And he tried to push us in.

Q          Whereabouts was that?

A          Oh it was on a big … at the beach.

Q          Oh, it was a big what?

A          A big rail on the beach.

Q          A big what?

A          A big rail on the beach.

Q          Oh, a big rail on the beach.

A          Yeah.

Q          Do you know which beach it was? Woops, it’s all right, it’s just the clock. Which beach was it that you went to with Peter?

A          Sumner.

Q          Right and who went with you?

A          Just Peter.

Q          And who else?

A          Nobody else.

Q          Just you and, just … and Peter at the beach?

A          Yep and some more kids but I can’t remember their names.

Q          Okay and where were, was this, was this, where were the other teachers?

A          At the crèche.

Q          Oh, right, So who knows you were at the beach?

A          Ah, I don’t know.

Q          Okay.

A          Peter took us … Peter hasn’t got a flash car

Q          Hasn’t he? What colour car has he got?

A          Not really good cars in here.

Q          What colour car has he got?

A          Um, he has a white one like this.

Q          Does he? Where does he keep his car?

A          He keeps it in the garage.

Q          Which garage?

A          His own garage. I don’t know where his garage is. Now shall we make up a jail for him?

Q          Make up a jail for Peter?

A          Yeah.

Q          Well, where else has he taken you to before?

A          Take us? I think he took us to this place, um, where a big fish, Willowbank, Willowbank.

Q          Willowbank, yep,. That’s a good place for kids, isn’t it? I haven’t been there but I hear it is a good place for kids.

A          Yep, I’ve been there.

Q          Yeah.

A          It’s quite really good.

Q          Is it?

A          Um. there’s a lion.

Q          Ooh.

A          Don’t be scared of it, [female name].

Q          Okay, it’s probably in a cage, is it?

A          Yeah.

Q          Yeah.

A          All things are in cages.

Q          Yeah.

A          But not the fish, of course.

Q          No, because they’re in the water, aren’t they?

A          Yep, now I’ll just have to get the beds ready and the jail ready and stuff. Should Peter have an empty jail?

Q          What do you think?

A          I think he should have a bit of furniture.

Q          A bit of furniture, okay.

A          But he was really bad. When will it be decided?

Q          What?

A          Um, for Peter to go to jail or not.

Q          Um, I don’t know. That’s up to [male name]. Okay now … um, where else have you been with Peter?

A          Nowhere else. Just ever go to Willowbank.

Q          Because, um, I think you’ve told that you have been to his house before.

A          Yeah.

Q          Okay, what I’d like to do is to make Peter’s house?

A          You make Peter’s house and I make my house.

Q          No, you make, how about we made. I think we made both houses last time, didn’t we?

A          Yes.

Q          Yeah.

A          Oh can, Pet, I want us to, um, let’s take all the furniture out and then we can decide. Hey, I left all my leaf clovers in the post.

Q          Oh, did you?

A          Yes.

Q          So, um, who lives in Peter’s house?

A          Oh, he lives by himself.

Q          Right and does he have some friends?

A          Um, of course, he does. Yes, lots of friends, bad friends. His family doesn’t like him though.

Q          How do you know that?

A          Because Mummy telled me.

Q          Okay so … um, what about his bad friends? What sort of people are they? Are they men or women?

A          Men and women.

Q          And how do you know he’s got bad friends? Have you met his friends before or not?

A          Yes, I have.

Q          Where did you meet his friends?

A          Um, at his house.

Q          Yeah and what was his friends’ names?

A          Can’t remember.

Q          Oh and what were they doing when you went there, his friends?

A          They were all showing the penis and the gina.

Q          They were showing their penis and vagina?

A          Yeah.

Q          Okay right now, [K], let’s make Peter’s house. Show me where that happened, where you saw the penis and the vaginas at Peter’s house.

A          Um, can I put Peter at this wee table.

Q          Yep.

A          Oh, let’s not give Peter a big house. I don’t have all this stuff.

Q          Okay, well we’ll just make Peter’s house and then we can make your house afterwards.

A          Peter does … he has a cupboard.

Q          Yep.

A          A chair, um, a couch.

Q          Yeah.

A          And that’s where the jail could be and this.

Q          Okay, now just make Peter’s house, where you saw his friends doing that stuff.

A          They’re all his friends.

Q          Okay, what are their names? Do you know the names of his friends?

A          Yes the girls. One of the girls’ name [female name] and one of the girls’ name [female name]. Two girls and two boys. One boy’s name Peter and one of the boys names [male name] and [male name].

Q          And um …

A          Yeah.

Q          When you, whose penis did you see at Peter’s house?

A          [Male name]’s.

Q          And is he a big man or a boy?

A          A big man.

Q          And what was he doing with his penis?

A          I’ll just sit here. He was just teasing us with it.

[Later in the interview, when the interviewer shows K an anatomically correct doll, it becomes clear that K has never seen pubic hair, but the interviewer was undeterred.]

Q          What’s that?

A          I don’t know, that black thing?

Q          Yeah, what’s the black thing?

A          I don’t know.

Q          Okay.

A          What is it?

Q          Have you ever seen that before on a?

A          No.

Q          Near a penis?

A          No. What is it?

Q          What do you think it is?

A          I don’t know.

Q          Do mummies and daddies have that stuff or not?

A          No, what’s this? It’s all on it. What is it?

Q          Well, it’s like, you know what mummies and daddies have on their penises and vaginas.

A          My mum and dad don’t have one or my mum or my daddies, or [male name].

Q          Have you seen your mum and dad’s, have you seen your dad’s penis before?

A          Yeah, I’m not scared of it.

Q          No.

A          Because that’s my dad.

Q          Right.

A          Where’s the bottle?

Q          Here, I don’t know. Is it not there?

A          No.

Q          Here, I’ll take that off for you if you like.

A          Yes, please.

Q          Great.

A          And I’ll get.

Q          Okay, [K], now look.

A          Oh, a baby has it.

Q          Show me with this doll how the man teased you with his penis. What did he do?

A          Oh, I don’t want to do that.

Q          Just show me.

A          Like that [indicates with dolls].

Q          And what was his name?

A          [Male name] but this is a nice boy, okay.

Q          So, um, so Peter’s done that to you before?

A          Yeah.

Q          And [male name]’s done that to you before.

A          Yep, pretend they’re playing in the bath and they are a little baby, okay.

Q          How many, has anyone else done that to you before … or not?

A          No.

Q          Okay. What did it feel like when [male name] did it? Not very nice you said.

A          No.

Q          What did it feel like on you?

A          Not very nice. Now they’re in the big one.

Q          Where were [male name]’s clothes when he did that?

A          Just here.

Q          Were they on or off?

A          Off.

Q          They were off?

A          Yeah.