The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Transcripts of Interviews with child witnesses

Kari Lacebark aged 6,
5th interview recorded 28 Oct 1992

(Names as used in the book "A City Possessed" )

A          And Peter’s mother just kicked me and hit me like this. She kicked me and hit me.

Q          And whereabouts did that happen? Whereabouts were you when Peter’s mum kicked you and hit you?

A          Peter’s mum’s place.

Q          Mm, how did you get there? How did you get to Peter’s mother’s place?

A          In the white van.

Q          Who drove?

A          Peter’s mother.

Q          Mm.

A          It was a truth, it was.

Q          Yeah, it was the truth. And who, who did, who went with you … to Peter’s mother’s place? Who went with you?

A          I can’t remember.

Q          Did kids go or just adults?

A          Just I did and adults.

Q          And.

A          And Marie and Gaye and Debbie. That’s all.

Q          Marie and Gaye and Debbie went with you?

A          Yeah, that’s all I have to tell you because that’s all I can remember.

Q          And what made Peter’s mother hit and kick you?

A          I have no idea.

Q          How many times did she hit you?

A          17.

Q          How many times did she?

A          Each day.

Q          How many days did she kick you?

A          And 17 days a week.

Q          And what did the women teachers, what did Marie and Gaye and Debbie do?

A          Can’t remember.

Q          Well, were they there when Peter’s mother kicked you or not?

A          No.

Q          Who was there when she kicked you?

A          Um, well, let me see, let me see.

Q          Get Peter’s mother and … again, where are they?

A          And that’s all.

Q          Where was Peter when Pete’s mother kicked you?

A          He wasn’t there.

Q          Where was he?

A          He wasn’t there. He was at the crèche. Well, I wish I can go because that’s all I can remember.

Q          Mm, what’s it feel like having to remember these things?

A          Not very good but I can’t even remember anything much now.

Q          Mm.

A          Cos I’ve told you.

Q          Mm.

A          I’ve forgotten it all. I am telling the truth.

Q          Mm mmm.

A          It is.

Q          Yep, hey … Um, can I just ask you a few more questions about Peter’s mother?

A          One more because I’m getting sick.

Q          How?

A          I don’t feel very so well.

Q          How did you know it was his mother?

A          I just did.

Q          Yeah and, um, how, how did you know that though? What made you thought it was his mother?

A          Peter told me.

Q          And, and his, Peter’s mother’s house?

A          Mm.

Q          Who lives there with her?

A          No one.

Q          Mm mmm, what does his, Peter’s mother’s house look like?

A          I can’t remember, I can’t remember, [female name].

Q          Okay, that’s all right. I’m just thinking, if I don’t say anything it’s just cos  I’m thinking and.


Q          Yeah, okay, and …

A          What?

Q          Did anything else, did Peter’s mother do anything else to you?

A          No, oh, oh, oh, no.

Q          Okay, so show me where she hit you and kicked you. Which parts of your body did she kick you?

A          Can I show with the dolls?

Q          Yep. Get, could you get one of, get that big doll over there, or one of those baby dolls and show me.

A          You’ve got some new dolls.

Q          Yep those are the new dolls.

A          He touched me there.

Q          Who did?

A          There.

Q          That’s a boy doll, isn’t it?

A          … go and get one. Is this the girl?

Q          Yep.

A          Touched me there.

Q          Who did?

A          He kicked me and hit me there [indicates groin area on doll].

Q          Peter’s mother did.

A          Yep.

Q          Whereabouts were your clothes when, um?

A          Down on the floor, down on the floor …

Q          Where, where were her clothes when she kicked you and hit you there?

A          She had them on.

Q          And … what, could you just, you know the part you pointed to, tell me what’s the name of that part?

A          Vagina.

Q          And where, where were the other crèche teachers when Peter’s mother?

A          I can’t remember. At the crèche. I said that a million times.

Q          Mm mm.

A          That’s all I can remember, [female name].

Q          Mm.

A          I want to go and see my mumma.

Q          Yeah, okay, um, yes, I know you, I can hear you. You do want to go and see your mummy. I know that. Um.

A          Cos that’s all I have to.

Q          Yeah.

A          That’s all I can remember, that is I’m sick of.

Q          I think, can I just ask? Are you getting sick of it?

A          Yep.

Q          Mm, cou, could you just sit down. I’ve just got one question.

A          Just one more.

Q          Okay, you know how you’ve told me that Peter’s mother hit and kicked your vagina.

A          Mm.

Q          Like that. Sit down here for a minute. And Peter’s mother, she she’s a woman, isn’t she?

A          Mm.

Q          Cos mothers are women, aren’t they?

A          Yes.

Q          Now I’ve heard, um, have you, have any other women ever done anything like that to your vagina before or not?

A          No, I can’t remember. Oh, well, that’s the last question.

Q          Okay, could you stay in here for a little minute while I take a wee break and I’ll come back?

A          No.

Q          I’ll just stay. I’ll just go away for 30 seconds and then I’ll come back. I just need to go and check with [female name] about something.

A          No, why can’t I go? I want go home to my mummy.

Q          Mm, okay, all right. Well, I think, um.

A          Please.

Q          Maybe we should stop here because you’ve had enough. Now if.

A          I want to go.

Q          Do, do you think that, um, you need to come back and tell me anything more or have you told me everything?

A          I think I have to come back.

Q          How much have you told, how much?

A          No, I don’t think I need to come back, I mean.

Q          How much have you told me? Have you told me this much, that much or this much, that much?

A          Mm, I’ve told you that much.

Q          So how much more is there to tell me?

A          None more.

Q          Okay.

A          Please, now can I go?

Q          All right, okay, well, I think we’ll, we will stop there.