The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Transcripts of Interviews with child witnesses

Tess Hickory aged 6, 2nd interview recorded 28 May 1992

(Names as used in the book "A City Possessed" )

Q          What happened then?

A          Ah, we played snap.

Q          Right, okay, all right, now, um, ah, now look, ah, what, what I need to know is, um, has anyone ever touched your vagina in any other way before or not?

A          Mmm, no, yeah, my mum’s touched it with her hand.

Q          Yeah. What did she touch it with her hands for?

A          To wash it.

Q          Okay.

A          Well, it’s Mum so it doesn’t matter.

Q          Yeah, right, and does she still wash it for you or not?

A          No.

Q          Do you wash your own?

A          I do my own and I sometimes wash her back and sometimes she washes my back.

Q          Right, okay, and, um, so she touches with her hands when she washes?

A          Yeah.

Q          Mmm. Has anyone else ever touched your vagina with their hands before?

A          Ah, Dad.

Q          Dad has?

A          Yep. But no one else.

Q          Right, okay. I guess, I guess what I heard was that someone had, I heard that someone, you had told Mum that someone had touched, touched you.

A          Who? I can’t remember.

Q          Touched your vagina and your bottom.

A          Who?

Q          With their hands.

A          Who?

Q          And their fingers.

A          I can’t remember.

Q          Do you remember telling?

A          Saying that?

Q          Right.

A          Mmm.

Q          Do you remember now?

A          No.

Q          If anyone else has ever done that. What was Dad touching it for?

A          He was what, doing it when I were a baby washing.

Q          Oh, right, looking after you and stuff?

A          Yeah.

Q          Yeah.

A          To put on my nappies.

Q          Yeah, doing normal mother and father stuff.

A          Mmm.

Q          Yeah. Okay, so, um, so I guess what I’ve heard of the, someone else has touched you down there with their fingers, with their hands and fingers.

A          Who? Who? Myself? Was that a joke or something?

Q          No, no, no, it’s not a joke. It’s just something that I wanted to check out with you to see if you could help me, tell me about that stuff.

A          I can’t remember saying, mmm, who was it?

Q          What?

A          Who was the person who touched it?

Q          Well I really need you to tell me who it was because I.

A          Is it what you’re going to tell me?

Q          No, it was, yeah, I guess it’s what, it’s the, it’s the new stuff that I heard that you’d said to Mum since we last talked.

A          Yeah.

Q          You told Mum that someone had touched your fan, and, ah, bottom.

A          Me?

Q          Bottom and your vagina with.

A          Did I?

Q          Yeah, with the, with their finger.

A          Who was it? Who did I say?

Q          Well, it’s, it’s really important for you to tell me who it was.

A          Um.

Q          But you’re not remembering?

A          No, I can’t remember.

Q          Mmm, okay, all right, well, look, um, perhaps what I could also tell you that I’ve heard was, um, that you know when you’ve drawn this picture of Mum about at Peter’s house, Peter showed the puppy’s bottom.

A          Mmm.

Q          And you also said some other things about Peter doing something with the puppy’s bottom.

A          Peter?

Q          Mmm. You said to Mum that Peter showed the puppy’s bottom.

A          Yeah.

Q          And that you also said that he did something else to the puppy’s bottom. Is that right?

A          Um, he let me pick it up.

Q          Right, yeah. What’s his puppy like?

A          Real cute.

Q          Is it, what’s its name?

A          Its name’s, um, Cutie.

Q          Cutie, is it?

A          Yep.

Q          Is that its real name or has it got another name?

A          Ah, yeah, it’s his real name.

Q          Cutie?

A          Yeah.

Q          Right.

A          I like calling it, um, Snuggles.

Q          Do you?

A          Because my cat’s name’s Snuggles.

Q          Oh is it? Right.

A          And she’s got a, she’s got a bite on her arm.

Q          Oh.

A          And she limps.

Q          Right.

A          Like this she goes.

Q          What made her limp? Oh because of the bite on her arm.

A          Yeah.

Q          Mmm, so, [T], what, what else did Peter do to the puppy’s bottom?

A          He put his finger in it. That’s what I forgot. He didn’t let me pick it up. He put his finger in it.

Q          Mm mmm. Did you pick up the puppy anyway?

A          Yeah, he did, he did let me as well.

Q          So he put his finger in the puppy’s bottom?

A          Yep. Did I tell you that?

Q          No.

A          Oh, okay, well he did.

Q          He did?

A          Yeah.

Q          And who was there when he did that?

A          Um, [female name, K] and [female name].

Q          And what did he do after that?

A          Oh, um, he.

Q          What did he do after he put his finger in the puppy’s bottom?

A          He put it down.

Q          The puppy.

A          How come, how come he’s crying?

Q          I don’t know. It is a sad face isn’t it … so, [T], and where was Peter’s mum when he was doing that?

A          Oh, he was, she was at work.

Q          So was she there or not?

A          No she was at work.

Q          How many times have you been to this place?

A          Ah, just once.

Q          Okay. That was the time you had a bath, is that right?

A          Yep.

Q          So he put his finger in the puppy’s bottom. What did you think about that?

A          I thought it was yucky and, and I thought it was not nice.

Q          Not nice. Yeah. What sort of feeling did you get?

A          Mmm, don’t know.

Q          Mmm. What did he say when he was doing that?

A          Nothing. He just did this.

Q          Mmm and so has Peter, um, so he’s put his finger in that puppy’s bottom, mmm?

A          Mmm.

Q          Has Peter put his finger in any other bottoms before or not?

A          No, I don’t, well I don’t know. He hasn’t put it in my bottom.

Q          He hasn’t put it in your bottom.

A          What’s in, what’s that?

Q          Okay, [T], that’s another baby. Now show me where the, well, okay, we know where bottoms are. So he, you say he hasn’t put it in your bottom. Is that right?

A          Yep.

Q          Okay, cos, I, cos I guess what I’ve heard is that, um, that you said that Peter did put it in your bottom.

A          Did he?

Q          Did you?

A          Oh yeah.

Q          Aye?

A          Did I?

Q          Yeah?

A          Oh, yeah.

Q          So, am I right?

A          Yep.

Q          Have I got the right information? Did Peter put his finger in your bottom or not?

A          Yes.

Q          He did. Where when did that happen?

A          The same day that I had the bath.

Q          Mmm and which part of the day?

A          Afternoon.

Q          Yeah. Where, whereabouts were you when he did it?

A          In his house.

Q          Yeah. Where, whereabouts in the house were you when?

A          Um, in the dining room.

Q          Yeah and whereabouts were your clothes when he did that?

A          My clothes?

Q          Mmm, when he put his finger in your bottom?

A          Oh, we were having a bath.

Q          Oh, I see. Okay.

A          Oh can I go and look, see Mum.

Q          Yeah, what, what do you, what are you feeling like now when we’re talking about this?

A          What do you mean?

Q          What do you feel like when I’m asking you about this?

A          I don’t feel like anything.

Q          Mmm. Well, look where, maybe if we, we could see Mum after we finished talking about it, okay?

A          Okay.

Q          So you were in the bath when he put his finger in your bottom. Was that, [T], was that before he washed you or after?

A          Before.

Q          Right, okay.

A          No, after.

Q          After, after?

A          Yeah.

Q          Okay, so you didn’t tell me that before.

A          No.

Q          Yeah and what, what stopped you from telling me before?

A          Cos I couldn’t remember then.