Peter Ellis web site - Christchurch crèche case

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The Christchurch crèche case


This page last updated March 19 2005

The Book:
"A City Possessed"

by Lynley Hood

Summary and information on ordering. The book is essential reading for anybody interested in fully understanding the case.

Author of "A City Possessed"

Harper & Christie

Jonathon Harper and Richard Christie's critique of the
Eichelbaum report

Institute for Psychological Therapies

Contains important overview articles on the Ellis case contributed to by Felicity Goodyear-Smith (Auckland) and Professor Michael Hill (Wellington)

includes articles from MENZ issues, COSA newsletters (to 2000) and selected reports.

Inquisition 21st century

Inquisition 21st century

"If you thought the Inquisition was an institution of the past, a number of great writers would have told you that you were wrong"  Irish website, with commentary on the Ellis case.

NZ Skeptics

One of the first organisations to publicly question the injustice done to Peter Ellis

COSA New Zealand

Casualties of Sexual Allegations
(from ~2000). Newsletters include comments and articles on the Ellis case, and associated issues

"Shiny Distraction"
Contains an overview of the case
Summary of the case

Religious Tolerance Org

Provides an overview of the Peter Ellis Case and dozens of related cases. (involving allegations of "Multi-victim-multi-offender" and/or ritual/satanic abuse)

peterellis Discussion Group

A discussion group exists for people who wish to discuss the Crèche case, and any issues associated with it.

Discussion is open for participants with all points of view

To subscribe, send a request to:
[email protected]