The Peter Ellis web site

Peter Ellis Home Page - Media Releases
December 2 2003 offers to provide financial aid to the New Zealand Government
Insufficient funds available to fund appropriate investigation by the Justice Select Committee

Media Release

Tim Barnett, Chairman of the Justice Select Committee has announced that the NZ Government has insufficient funds to provide the Committee with the information required to carry out their investigation into the need for a top level inquiry into the Christchurch Civic Creche case.

There are only sufficient funds for members to be given a "brief summary" the book "A City Possessed, but not enough for members to be able to read the actual book. (The Press, December 1, 2003)

PeterEllis.Org is therefore making the generous offer to purchase the book "A City Possessed" for members of the select committee.

All the members of the Select Committee have to do are to email [email protected], with a return address, and a declaration that they cannot afford a copy of the book, and that without such assistance they would not bother to read the book.; "Seeking justice for Peter Ellis and other victims, both past and present, of the New Zealand sex abuse moral panic"