The Peter Ellis web site

Peter Ellis Home Page - Media Releases
November 24 2005

Ending Violence - Black and White Ribbons.
Promoting non violence in all it's forms
Media Release applauds the introduction of Black Ribbon Day on November 25 that was recently announced by the Black Ribbon Coordinator Alastair Laing (Tel 021 257 8947)

Mr Laing has announced that Black ribbons are worn on the day by women and men who are encouraging all women and men to speak out against violence towards men. is an organisation committed to the end of violence in all it's forms, and it is therefore appropriate that the existing White Ribbon campaign (concerned about violence towards women) be complemented by a campaign that highlights previously neglected concerns.

The PeterEllis web site has long highlighted the existing epidemic of false allegations of sexual abuse that should concern all New Zealanders.  News reports say that police have charged 290 people, mainly women, with this offence in just the last year.   The actual number of perpetrators may be expected to be considerably larger, with devastating consequences for their victims.

The organisation also supports the concerns of male victims of other forms of violence by women, including physical and emotional abuse. Women are also commonly perpetrators of parental alienation where children are the victims.; "Seeking justice for Peter Ellis and other victims, both past and present, of the New Zealand sex abuse moral panic"