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Peter Ellis Home Page - Media Releases
January 13 2006

Linda Clark resignation welcomed
Media Release

The resignation of Linda Clark is welcomed by, a spokesperson Brian Robinson, commented today.

Clark's resignation was probably inevitable, following the recent apology that Radio New Zealand was ordered to make to Peter Ellis following a Broadcasting Standards Authority decision. A National Radio Nine to Noon programme hosted by Linda Clark in August 2003 was found to be not fair and balanced.

Radio New Zealand has also during the Clark years been deafening with their silence on the book "A City Possessed" by Lynley Hood. The book is one of the more important NZ literary achievements of last decade, and commentary and analysis by National Radio is well overdue. welcomes the opportunity that Radio New Zealand now has to introduce a replacement who has impeccable credentials for impartiality, and a person who is less likely to contribute to the ongoing New Zealand sex abuse moral panic that Peter Ellis became a victim of.; "Seeking justice for Peter Ellis and other victims, both past and present, of the New Zealand sex abuse moral panic"