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Peter Ellis Home Page - Media Releases
April 18 2007

False rape claim case highlights significant problem.
Media Release

The recent false rape hoax highlights a problem that is unfortunately far too common, spokesperson for, Brian Robinson says.

The crime of false allegation is not rare. In the last decade there have been over 400 cases each year of proven cases, the majority relating to false allegations of sex offences. Most of these cases are not publicised.

There are also many more cases where false allegations occur but the perpetrator does not confess. In these cases the victims suffer severely, and some are even wrongly convicted. Very few victims are as fortunate as Clint Rickards was, to have a family photograph of himself in a plaster cast that indicated the complainant was lying.

It is unfortunate that the media sought comment about the latest hoax from people who have a history of minimising the problem of false sex allegations. Their response was sadly predictable.

Dr Kim McGregor of Rape Crisis claims that only two to six percent of rape allegations are made up. The only thing made up are the statistics that she provides. Psychology lecturer Dr Neville Robertson says that false complaints are extremely rare. He is presumably basing his claim on the tiny proportion of false rape complaints that are reported in the media.

Victoria academic Dr Jan Jordan provides an excuse for perpetrators by claiming - without justification - that they may have been sexually abused. She could well study the more common reasons why false complaints are made.

Regardless of how common or uncommon the problem of false allegations is, all allegations should be treated seriously, and investigated impartially. Justice for real rape victims is not enhanced by simply routinely believing the stories of those making false allegations.

[email protected];
"Seeking justice for Peter Ellis and other victims, both past
and present, of the New Zealand sex abuse moral panic"