Moral Panics

Fear of perverts in aircraft


Moral Panics Index


Perverts in Aircraft

News Reports 1 : Nov 29-30 2005

Massey News
November 30 2005

Airlines’ seating stance sends harmful message on men

A specialist in boys education has criticised the ban by airlines on male passengers sitting next to unaccompanied children.

Michael Irwin, a former school principal and now senior lecturer at Massey University’s College of Education says the policy adopted by Air New Zealand and Qantas sends a signal to children and the wider community that men cannot be trusted.

“It’s sending a very misleading message into society that men are not caring, loving concerned individuals when it comes to young children. It’s saying to society that it’s not men’s role to be involved with their children or any children, and that’s ridiculous.”

Mr Irwin says those messages were harmful not just to men, who could be made to feel alienated from parts of society focused on children, such as schools, childcare centres and nursing, but to children.

“If a child falls down and hurts themselves and needs picking up or comforting themselves, is a man supposed to stand around until a woman can be found to help?”

“I believe it sends a signal to children, ‘don’t trust any man’.”