Moral Panics

Fear of perverts in aircraft


Moral Panics Index


Perverts in Aircraft

News Reports 1 : Nov 29-30 2005

Massey News
November 30 2005

Will airlines ban Maori and skinheads from sitting next to children?

The Director of the Centre for Public Policy evaluation at Massey University says the ban airlines have imposed on men sitting next to unaccompanied children on planes is a clear case of discrimination with no obvious rational basis.

Centre director Stuart Birks says the Air New Zealand and Qantas seating policies were “pointless and ridiculous” and made as much sense as discriminating against passengers on the grounds of race, religious beliefs or appearance.

“ Can they identify a real need for this or are they just trying to identify all men as potential dangers to children? Would they have a policy of not seating children next to Maori passengers, or skinheads or Muslims – or only male Maori, skinheads and Muslims?”