Moral Panics

Fear of perverts in aircraft


Moral Panics Index


Perverts in Aircraft

News Reports 1 : Nov 29-30 2005

The Nelson Mail
November 30 2005

Policy unpopular with travellers

Travellers at Nelson Airport yesterday condemned the decision by Air New Zealand and Qantas not to allow men to sit next to unaccompanied children. Here's what some of them had to say :

Nelson union official Neville Donaldson, 50, said it was ``PC gone mad. There is almost an assumption that no man is to be trusted. I find that very offensive''. He said children were always well looked after by the stewards on planes . "Children tend to be the focus of attention on planes and people are always watching them.''

Wellington engineer Sarah Lay, 31, said the airlines were taking safety too far. She could understand that airlines needed to take safety measures but she said anything would be noticed on a small plane. ``Every one is awake on domestic but I could see concerns with long-haul flights.''

Joyce Nelson, 66, who is holidaying in New Zealand from England said parents should be asked if they had any objection to their child sitting by a man or a woman instead of the airline making the decision. ``I don't think there is really any need for it because children are normally placed near the stewards.''

Managing director Robert Handfield, 60, of Wellington said the move was ``bizarre''. He had only travelled next to unaccompanied children a few times and had never had a problem with a child being seated beside him. ``A bloke would be a bit foolish to make any move on a plane. There is nowhere for him to run away.''