Moral Panics

Fear of perverts in aircraft


Moral Panics Index


Perverts in Aircraft

News Reports 3 : Dec 4-31 2005

The Press
December 6 2005

Airline unnecessarily insults caring fathers
Letter to the Editor
by Brian Hartley, Waltham

While Air New Zealand's position regarding not seating men alongside children travelling unaccompanied on its aircraft is invidious in that it's damned if it does and damned if it doesn't, it nonetheless invites serious comment.

Air NZ is substantially funded by the taxpayer, a considerable chunk of that largesse being contributed by men, the very people against whom it discriminates. There must be consistency in the application of this policy. Yet I suspect that cabin crew will be reluctant to apply it to a male passenger whom they know to be a member of the airline's executive, should that individual be inadvertently seated beside an unescorted child.

Air NZ's use of such broad brushstrokes to paint all men as suspect paedophiles is an egregious affront to a segment of New Zealand society, most of whom are responsible caring fathers.