Moral Panics

Fear of perverts in aircraft


Moral Panics Index


Perverts in Aircraft

News Reports 3 : Dec 4-31 2005

The Press
December 7 2005

Simple solution
Letter to the Editor
by Susan M Jackman, Lyttelton

What an offensive, ludicrous situation we have now found ourselves in when it comes to air travel. It was bad enough when, following the terrorist attacks of 2001, we had to give up real knives to eat with, lighters in our pockets and even knitting needles. Now, as a woman, I face the chance of being forced to sit next to a child because I am a woman and the only available seat on a flight may be next to me.

There is a simple solution to this alleged problem. The airlines should not accept unaccompanied children on their flights. Doing so places children in a situation where there is the potential for harm.

The airlines are driven by money, not child safety. They sell an unaccompanied child's ticket at the full adult price for domestic travel and at the full adult price plus an unaccompanied child's fee for international travel. Why miss out on revenue when you can put children's safety at risk and offend men at the same time?