Moral Panics

Fear of perverts in aircraft


Moral Panics Index


Perverts in Aircraft

News Reports 3 : Dec 4-31 2005

The Timaru Herald
December 7 2005

Please, even more segregation on planes
by Derek Burrows

From now on I'm going to fly only by Qantas and Air New Zealand -- but only if they extend their present policy of moving men away from children who are travelling unaccompanied.

I think it's quite right that men should not be subjected to sitting next to a child who's probably missing his/her parents. They'll probably have the snivels or be weepy all the way across the Pacific and if I were forced to sit next to them I'd undoubtedly feel the necessity to comfort them (that's if I could keep my paedophile instincts under control).

I think the two airlines are on to a winner here. Many men travelling unaccompanied are going to want to fly with them but the airlines could cement their advantage over their rivals by also extending the policy to include moving men away from drunks and the morbidly obese.

Anyone who has ever sat next to a weight-challenged (we have to be careful with our adjectives here lest we be accused of using the F word) person will know that having someone cascading over the armrest into your allotted portion of cattle class is infinitely more distressing than being sat next to an upset child who wants to keep going to the loo.

And drunks are the bane of all sober air travellers. There are a fair number of people who just cannot resist trying to get full value for their airfare by drinking the galley dry. Their behaviour deteriorates in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol they've managed to persuade the flight attendants to give them.

I'd be delighted to have a flight attendant come to me and say: "I'm sorry, sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to move seats because the person next to you is reaching a state of complete inebriation and the airline does not want you to take advantage of them.

"We have a number of seats down the back of the aircraft especially reserved for people like yourself -- would-be paedophiles, predatory homosexuals and men with an intolerance of people twice as big as themselves.

"Have a nice flight."

I strongly suspect that the airlines are already pondering beefing up their flight guidelines.

Innocent bachelors should never be seated to single or divorced women lest they have to fight off unwanted advances.

Muslims should all be seated together (nowhere near the flight deck, of course) so they can be monitored during the whole journey because we all know there are terrorists among their numbers, just like there are men who are paedophiles.

But we don't have to worry because authorities worldwide are dealing with this problem of paedophilia in an extremely sensitive and rational way. They are assuming all men to be predators and acting accordingly.

For instance, in New York there is a bylaw that forbids single adults (men or women) from using public parks that contain playgrounds. Must make life awfully difficult for solo parents who want to take their kids to the park.

Incidentally, most victims of paedophilia are molested by relatives or close friends of the family, so kids are actually safer travelling on an aircraft sitting next to someone they DON'T know, but don't tell the airlines or they might change their policy.

Interesting isn't it, that statistically the airlines should be banning parents from sitting next to their children.

Perhaps it would be a good idea to commission commercial aircraft manufacturers, such as, Boeing or British Aerospace, to build skinny aircraft with only one seat to each row. That way no one would have to worry about anyone else, and it would have the spin-off benefit of making the trip to the toilets less of a battle.

But if airlines really find that an impractical solution, here's an easy one.

Give two seats to an obese person and then sit an unaccompanied child in the next seat.

If the worst should happen the kid would be two seats away and with a head-start like that should easily be able to outrun an overweight child molester.