Moral Panics

Fear of perverts in aircraft


Moral Panics Index


Perverts in Aircraft

News Reports 3 : Dec 4-31 2005

The Dominion Post
December 12 2005

Airlines have few choices
Letter to the Editor
by Lee Foley, Gisborne

I refer to the airlines' policy about children travelling alone. The issue is not whether women and even children sexually abuse other children. It is the protection of children when they fly unaccompanied.

Radio has reported that five children were victims of sexual abuse while travelling alone. One is unacceptable, let alone five.

The policy is probably discriminatory and I acknowledge it is not pleasant for men to be lumped in with society's scum, but what are the alternatives?

Do they ban unaccompanied children, employ qualified minders at parents' expense, pre-organise seating arrangements, police check travellers or ignore the whole thing for fear of being seen as PC?

The angry men out there should spare a thought for the five children who did suffer sexual abuse at the hands of fellow male travellers. How would they feel if one of those children were their own?