Moral Panics

Fear of perverts in aircraft


Moral Panics Index


Perverts in Aircraft

News Reports 3 : Dec 4-31 2005

The Dominion Post
December 12 2005

Cut out the claptrap
Letter to the Editor
by Gus Hubbard, Palmerston North

Though the airlines' decision not to sit men next to unaccompanied children strikes me as politically correct silliness, it is not hard to understand the reasoning.

Some people, especially men, molest children. Visual inspection does not allow determination of likely culprits. Therefore, airlines have chosen to reduce the risk to children in their care by not sitting men next to them.

Many, myself included, see this as an extreme over-reaction. But it is no more extreme than the reactions of some who object to the policy. The airlines are not saying that "men are all dangerous perverts", as Anthony Frith (Letters, Dec 1) would have it.

Gregory Fortuin (Features, same day) has not been labelled a paedophile simply because he's male.

By all means debate the wisdom of the policy, but that is better achieved by leaving aside emotive claptrap and gross distortions of the situation.