Moral Panics

Fear of perverts in aircraft


Moral Panics Index


Perverts in Aircraft

News Reports 3 : Dec 4-31 2005

The Dominion Post
December 12 2005

Prefer not to be labelled
Letter to the Editor
by D Young, Palmerston North (Abridged)

I was disappointed to read comments that condoned the action Qantas took in the unaccompanied child case. Perhaps I'm just a selfish male but I prefer not to be labelled a paedophile every time I sit next to an unaccompanied child on a plane.

Yes, maybe it's easier not to complain and instead take a part in "community responsibility". But I do not think that the man asked to move should have been obliged to. He'd paid his airfare and if Qantas and Air New Zealand were really so concerned about a child's safety and not a bunch of discriminatory ignoramuses, they would have ensured the child was seated away from other passengers in the first place.

If the airlines wish to screen passengers, why screen only males?

Just as women don't like being called "emotionally confused", we males prefer not to be labelled paedophiles.